Sunday, May 2, 2010

What was it like growing up in the Willowcreek area

I remember wanting a slurpie and grabbing my friends, we would walk for miles just to get one. The 7-11 we went to the most was the one up by Brighton High School. All just for a drink!

We explored the area a lot. We would go up to big rock and look for old indian and pioneer remnants. There was an old stone building that was abondoned right next to the ROCK and that was the best place to look. If we saw pieces of ceramic, we would make up all sorts of stories about where and who had them back then. I truely think to this day that they were from back then. We spent a lot of time walking around the area. Back then, there were no houses past Brookwood elementary school and it was a great place to hunt for treasures. Mostly we only came upon a lot of cactus and sagebrush. I am grateful that there was not many houses back then, winding paths to big rock, playing in rivers and had miles and miles to explore.