Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some rules at our house were

Sunday was a big rule day. No friends over. No Television except the occasional PBS, National Geographic fim. If we were to go outside, it was on a blanket reading. No homework on Sunday. Only Church music. This actually made for some great memories playing with my siblings. Playing church, library, etc..
I also remember going to bed-- on time! Now, since we had a room buddy, that meant hidding your giggles and chats.
I am sure my family will chime in with more-


Steve said...

I remember getting excited about Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and the Walt Disney Sunday special.
I can recall having to watch allot of Lawrence Welk and Hee Haw. Those weren't Sunday shows but certainly different times back then.

No playing with friends on Sunday and for a while we even had Sunday family time.

Becky said...

I also remember that when I was finally put in a young womens presidency it meant I could go out for an hour or two on Sunday. Only because it was a good cause. I remember many a sunday afternoon on the blanket beneath the tree. I still think of Dad everytime an earth, oceans, or wildlife show comes on. I enjoy sharing that time with my kids.

Grand Mothering said...

House rules for eight children in assorted ages, sizes and dispositions was a challenge from a mom standpoint. The Sunday shut down was a no brainer and met with only token resistance. The kids were so busy during the week that the slow down was needed and leaving wordly things behind a Sabbath blessing. Other rules were harder to enforce: No dating until you are sixteen, summer school and no friends over until after lunch, Saturday jobs. It took every creative cell in my brain to keep the momentum going. There were charts and stickers, Papa Bear, Momma Bear and Baby Bear jobs, the JOB JAR, and even Hunk pictures on Allison's door to get her to do her homework. After all what good is a rule if there is no reward?